Fire Resistant - Schott Pyran S
Schott Pyran S
PYRAN® fire resistant glazing made of borosilicate is far superior to conventional safety glasses with a soda-lime composition:
Proven and safePYRAN® remains transparent, even under high thermal loads. This ensures vital insight in the case of a fire and makes it much easier to evacuate a burning building safely. Excellent color reproduction and high transmission in the visible and UV range ensure that this increase in security is not achieved at the expense of appearance. It is certainly no coincidence that PYRAN® has been proving itself in airports, hospitals, hotels, industrial buildings, museums, offices, schools, shopping centers, sports facilities and even on cruise ships for decades. Areas of application
DoorsWhether fitted in timber or steel structures, SCHOTT Technical Glass Solutions in cooperation with system partners develop doors with PYRAN® which are excellently suited and approved for sale in markets outside of Germany*.*The German building code does not list G (E) doors. FaçadesFire protective glazing is used to prevent fire from spreading vertically and thus to protect neighboring structures from catching fire. ISO PYRAN® S is suitable for all application areas with multi-functional requirements. ISO PYRAN S provides shading as well as thermal and noise protection in conjunction with an original design. In cooperation with system partners, SCHOTT Technical Glass Solutions GmbH develops designs with PYRAN® that have received international approvals and are ideally suited for use in façades.RoofsFire protective glazing is used in roofs whenever the goal is to prevent fire from spreading vertically. Because the glass in overhead areas is subject to particular loads, building codes require the use of laminated safety glass in accordance with the technical regulations. ISO PYRAN® S can be used in overhead applications in simple and light structures.PartitionsTransparent fire-rated partitions provide protection in case of fire while at the same time allowing day light to flow freely from room to room. Landings to staircases are protected attractively yet effectively. The use of PYRAN® in skylights elegantly combines functionality with aesthetics to allow natural lighting in interiors.Smoke ScreensPYRAN® is ideal for use in smoke screens in heavily frequented areas such as atria, shopping centers and underground train stations. Systems that use PYRAN® S-P do not need frame constructions at all. This is the result of a perfect symbiosis of glass panes connected to each other by joints that are barely noticeable and point mounts and brackets that secure the glass panes to a strong, but light, supporting structure.
Schott 肖特
肖特集團是一個具有主導地位的跨國性高科技集團公司。他們的產品源自特種玻璃,在特殊玻璃的研究、生產、應用、技術及服務方面居於世界領先地位。公司成立於1884年,一百多年來,肖特公司致力於玻璃的研究及應用開發,產品領域涉及:家電、醫藥衛生、光電子、光學、照明、實驗儀器、半導體及太陽能發電等領域。在特種建築玻璃領域,如防火玻璃、防反射玻璃等,肖特公司以獨特的技術和產品處於主導地位。 防火玻璃 PYRAN® S 在任何時候都能保持玻璃的清澈透明 具有傑出的防火特性的浮法玻璃 極低的熱膨脹系數 達到 BS6206 A級安全等級 全鋼化達到A級衝擊要求 最高耐火極限可達2小時 標準厚度為 6mm, 還可提供 8,10,12mm 等不同厚度 較大的單片玻璃尺寸, 3m*1.6m 特有的無框連接系統, 提供大的視野 安裝方式簡單安全
PYRAN®S 是由肖特位于德國耶拿通過ISO 9001 質量認証的工廠生產。它是世界上唯一的硼硅浮法防火玻璃,它既具有獨特硼硅成份,可以提供大尺寸的玻璃規格,又由於卓越的浮法光學品質提供了無 曲的視覺效果。它並不採用夾絲或夾膠的工藝制作,在任何時候都保持清晰透明的效果即使在受火的情況下。根據不同的防火應用,肖特已經測試了眾多的由世界主要廠家生產的防火框和防火膠與PRYAN®S組成的防火系統。 無框聯接
根據建築師、設計師和業主的要求,肖特開發了世界上第一個具有防火功能的無框玻璃連接系統,使得玻璃的安全區域既能防火又能提供了最大限度的視覺通透性。這是通過利用可膨脹硅膠來代替突兀的直框結構來實現的,使得無障礙的防火玻璃安裝系統成為可能。 PYRAN®S是世界上獨一無二的硼硅合成浮法玻璃,通過允許建築師和設計師利用大尺寸的防火玻璃分割來獲得最大限度的可見光和視線的通過。
PYGAN®S的雙層玻璃系統(DGU‵s)可應該用於屋頂和天棚的玻璃安裝,大尺寸的玻璃不但提供了美觀的視覺效果,而且滿足了嚴格的由政府核准的建築設計規範提出的外立面玻璃防火和隔熱的要求。這些法規要求與人們日益增長的防火安全意識一起在發展的屋面玻璃應用市場上起著防火屏障的作用。 鋼框 PYRAN®S防火玻璃經過眾多的防火測試証明,當安裝在多分隔的鋼框架時可以提供超過2小時的耐火完整性能。作為非承重構件,6mm的PYRAN®S在英國惠靈頓防火測試中心取得了超過120分鐘的測試紀錄,測試時的多分隔鋼框架高達2300mm。 當然,並不是所有的應用都要求2小時的防火時間,對於更短的防火時間要求,PYRAN®S可以提供更大尺寸的玻璃板面 木框 肖特已經廣泛測試了防火時間長達30和60分鐘的應該於多分隔隔斷上的木框結構。由來已久大多數的木框隔斷都要求分隔成多橫樑和直框結構。肖特經過大量測試發現採用這種結構在火災發生時往往要比採用單個框架分隔的玻璃隔斷受火面更大,木框也會燒焦得更快。 針對30分鐘的防火應用,窗框和門框可以採用軟木(最小單位密度為500kg/m3 )和硬木或者兩種材料結合在一起。他們也成功測試了岑木框,這是一種在中國大陸非常普遍的木框材料,在防火隔斷的使用上也不是非常出色。針對60分鐘的防火應用,推薦使用最少密度為650kg/m3 的木框材料。沒有其他的透明鋼化安全玻璃可以達到這樣的時間要求。