Anti Bandit(防盜玻璃) - Saint Gobain STADIP
Saint Gobain STADIP


Laminated safety and security glass, SGG STADIP or SGG STADIP PROTECT, comprises two or more sheets of glass bonded together with one or more interlayers of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) film. SGG STADIP glass incorporates a single PVB sheet with a nominal thickness of 0.38 mm, distinguishing it from SGG STADIP PROTECT glass which has a minimum thickness of 0.76 mm. Laminated glasses with different levels of safety and security can be obtained by varying the number and/ or thickness of each of the components. If the glass breaks, the fragments of glass are held in place by the PVB interlayer(s). In fully framed installations the broken glass retains a residual strength while awaiting replacement.

Where can it be used?

Protection in buildings is increasingly required to comply with current regulations, for insurance purposes or simply to fulfil a genuine need, especially against the risk of injury, vandalism and burglary. In homes, SGG STADIP and SGG STADIP PROTECT glasses can offer appropriate safety and security solutions to meet the combined criterion of protection, aesthetics and performance

What is it?

SGG STADIP and SGG STADIP PROTECT are made up of two or more sheets of glass bonded together with a plastic interlayer. After the plastic has been placed between the glass sheets, the whole assembly is subjected to heat and pressure. This results in the complete adhesion of the vinyl and the glass. In the event of breakage, the glass fragments remain bonded to the plastic interlayer. In a fully framed conventional installation the glass fragments are held together and the glass retains a residual strength while awaiting replacement.

Protection against vandalism and burglary

SGG STADIP PROTECT laminated security glass, installed in an appropriate frame, can be an important deterrent to ensure the security of property and occupants in a building. SGG STADIP PROTECT SP laminated security glass contributes to the security of businesses and offices. Combined with additional protection, if required, this glass can be used in shop windows and doors, entrance doors and windows in offices appropriate to the specified levels of protection. SGG STADIP PROTECT laminated security glass is able to meet the P1A & P2A requirement for BS EN 356. The level of the risk and the regulatory requirements determine the necessary level of protection and thus the type of SGG STADIP PROTECT or SGG STADIP PROTECT SP laminated security glass to use. This selection is determined by the type and value of the property to be protected, the type of building (for example: building which is easy or difficult to access, private house, etc) and its location (for example: isolated premises, highrisk area, etc).