X-Ray Shielding - Conrning Med X
Conrning Med X

CORNING Med-X® Glass provides high-quality, transparent and safe protective shielding against X-ray radiation for medical, technical, and research applications.

Its high lead and barium content, and wide thickness range, provides optimum shielding against radiation from equipment operating in the 80 to 300 kV range.


Product features


Corning Med-X Glass is supplied as polished plates from 3.5 mm to 20 mm thickness with dimensions up to 2800 x 1400 mm (54 " x 108").
- This allows architects to design viewing windows with a wider field of vision to maximize the observation requirements of the diagnostic operators.
- Smaller sizes can be cut to meet most customer requirements.
- All cut edges are ground and finished with safety chamfers.

Laminating/ double glazing:

Corning Med-X Glass is suitable for laminating using polyvinyl butyral (PVB) inter-layers and can also be fitted into sealed, double-glazed units for insulation purpose.




Corning Med-X Glass is compatible with a large range of installations and other viewing applications such as:   

•        Viewing windows for X-ray, angiography, CT scans

•        Screens for medical diagnostics

•        Protection windows/glove boxes in laboratories

•        Airport security X-ray screens

•        Lenses for safety goggles 


ISO standard production

The production of CORNING SAS is strictly controlled and is manufactured in accordance with the Quality Standard ISO 9001, the environmental Standard ISO 14001 and Health & Safety Standard OHSAS 18001.


 Corning X射線防護玻璃(防輻射鉛玻璃)

 Corning Med-X 的設計只有一個目的,就是提供一個高質量,能夠阻擋X射線輻射的高透明玻璃。作為Corning特種玻璃產品系列的一個重要組成部份,Corning Med-X 含有大量鉛和鋇,在100KV300KV笵圍內可提供最佳的輻射防護效果。作為市場上的主導產品之一,Corning Med-X™進行了深入的研發,因此你能夠相信他可以應用於任何醫學,技術和研究方面的全面防護。







1.           可安裝於X射線檢測和CT掃瞄的觀察

2.           醫療診斷設備的屏幕

3.           實驗室中的防護

4.           護目鏡的鏡片

5.           機場安檢的X光屏幕




最大可供應2600 X 1300mm 研磨過的玻璃片,並可根據客戶要求的尺寸進行切割。(所有的切割面都很平滑,很安全)



由於含有豐富的鉛和鋇,Corning Med-X™ 易受酸碱的污染。因此我們建議它不宜安裝或存放在酸氣和潮濕的環境中。X射線防護玻璃的表面比普通更易刮傷,須小心處理。